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Updated: Mar 22, 2020

If you are going to bake a cake, there are a few basic ingredients you will need. For example, you can’t bake a cake without flour or sugar because they are the basic ingredients. In the same way, a Christian cannot have a successful Christian life without Christian education.

Christian education is one of the basic ingredients to a successful Christian life. The importance of Christian education cannot be overstated. Christian education needs to be a priority for all believers.

1. What is Christian Education? The importance of Christian education is best understood by understanding what Christian education is. Christian education is really knowing the Bible, the theology of God, Jesus and His ministry and the role of the Holy Spirit. It is something that never stops because God continues always reveal Himself to the believer in fresh ways. When believers stop studying the Word and stop seeking a fresh revelation from God, they can become stale in their spiritual life. Spending time in Christian education allows one to develop a relationship with God by learning more about who He is. When believers seek God they will find Him.

2. Why is Christian Education Important?

Christian education allows the believer to know the One, True God.

  • This allows the believer to discern when others engage in conversations of God or just a general god. Following the tragic events of September 11, 2001, many politicians referred to a god, but in a politically correct way. They were not speaking of the One, True God.

  • Christian education also allows you to better know who God is and be aware when people are teaching things about God which aren’t true.

  • God comes to us as we study His Word. As you study the Bible, you are not just studying some old book, you are encountering the Living God!s It will deepen your relationship with Him and it will change your life.

3. Where Can I Get Christian Education? Believers have a personal responsibility to engage in Christian education on their own, perhaps reading the Bible or working through a personal devotion. Churches, Bible studies and Sunday School classes are other ways to obtain Christian education. For those who are interested in accelerating their knowledge and spiritual growth, a Bible college that specializes in Christian education curriculum would be an excellent choice.

If you are interested in learning more about Bible Colleges, we invite you to look into Faith Christian University. We offer full online Bible degrees as well as Bible survey classes for people who just want to expand their understanding and knowledge of the Scriptures. Contact us today to request more information.

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