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WHY WON'T ANYONE NOTICE ME? by Dr. Faith Fredrick

Does this sound familiar?

Through the years I have heard this over and over

  • “I know I’m called but no one seems to notice.”

  • “I’m anointed why won’t they use me?”

  • “I don’t want to serve if it’s not within my calling.”

  • “I’m available why won’t they give me an opportunity?”

You have gifts, talents and even accomplishments but…

Friend, Timing is everything and God is all about times and seasons. Solomon said, “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.” (Ecclesiastics 3:1) One of the most important aspects of anyone’s calling is “TIMING”. No one likes delay, however, delay is part of the process. So, what do you do in the time called “DELAY”?

Take this time to prepare – FCU was founded to Educate, Equip and Empower new believers, pastors and all Christian leaders in their ministry call.

  • Live everyday intentionally – Keep your dreams in focus and walk out each day with vision and purpose.

  • Serve like you would want someone to serve you. Be committed, faithful and stay humble.

  • Continue to develop your calling. Use every opportunity to exercise your gift.Keep Believing – Don’t ever give up!

I believe that every believer is called so let Faith Christian University help to confirm and perfect your ministry calling.

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