Educating Men and Women in the Word of God
Faith Christian University is a nonprofit, religious corporation chartered by the State of Florida, as Faith Teaching International, Inc, and authorized by The Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities as a registered degree-granting institution under Section 246.083 of the Florida statues.
FCU is proud to be accredited through Transworld Accrediting Commission International (TACI), Riverside, CA, an international, federally recognized, non-profit church educational organization with a mandate to establish minimum acceptable standards, criteria, and shared biblical doctrine. TACI accredits and assists theological schools, seminaries, universities, colleges, and programs throughout the world.
Faith Christian University makes no claim to regional accreditation or affiliation with any state board of education, however, FCU is a quality, theologically-balanced ministry degree program issuing degrees from the Associate, to the Doctoral in Bible and Theology, Pastoral Ministry, and Christian Counseling.
Faith Christian University is a non-profit religious corporation chartered by the State of Florida and authorized by the Florida State Board of Independent Colleges and Universities as a registered degree granting institution under Section 246.083 of the Florida statues. FCU is accredited through TransWorld Accrediting Commission International (TACI), Riverside, CA. The degree programs of this University are designed solely for religious vocations.
Per State of Florida, Department of Education statute: FCU does not guarantee the acceptance of transfer credits to other institutions except those accredited through Transworld Accrediting Association. Receive a FREE ACADEMIC EVALUATION of previous credits and possible ministry experience credit.